The Traveling Kitten šŸ˜½

Issue 113

ā€œSome fur, four paws, a tail, and a heart - a big one. This is the formula for lifeā€™s greatest friends.ā€
- Unknown

Hey, Friends!

We recently got a phone call from an organization that claimed to be one of the biggest dog shelters in the world. They offered to support this newsletter on a few conditions: that we donate 100,000 popsicle sticks, the same number of hot dogs, and a 5-ton vat of cornmeal batter.

Needless to say, we wonā€™t be working with the ā€œInternational Shelter for Corndogs.ā€

Beware: prank callers are getting creative.

Dog Cuteness: This is how Valentineā€™s Day goes when you have a dog. Unless youā€™re lucky and your pooch decided to take the day off, the odds of a romantic dinner are very slim! Still, you wouldnā€™t want it any other way.

Cat Cuteness: Cats are notorious blanket hoggers. That, or they squish themselves right into whatever place is comfiest for them and least convenient for you! This couple found a clever solution, even though their cat is just about as adorable as they come.

More Cuteness

Could hemp seeds offer benefits to your furry friend? More attention is given to the buds, leaves, and flowers of hemp, but the seeds could pack a punch as well. Learn more in this veterinarian-written article.

This man discovered abandoned kittens in an empty bus. He was traveling around the country picking up trash and found a traveling partner when he stumbled upon those helpless babies. Only one cat survived, and his name is Greg. Watch as this man quickly finds out that his new traveling partner is much more than a friend; he is family.

Is Human-Grade Dog Food Worth It? Hereā€™s The Scoop: Weā€™ve all seen the massive trend of human-grade, almost chef-quality dog foods on the market. Thereā€™s a lot of great advertising around these products as well, and who hasnā€™t been convinced? Still, itā€™s hard to separate fact from fiction at times. This article takes a deep dive into this trend, the reasoning behind it, and the pros and cons.

Cat Returned After 4 Years, 150 Miles Away: We share these stories for the people out there who might have a long-lost friend of their own. As this wonderful story proves, itā€™s not over until itā€™s over. This story shows how the kindness of strangers, the usefulness of microchips, and the power of hope can lead to amazing outcomes.

Libraries Celebrate Ten Years of Successful Therapy Dog Program: When organizations come together to provide communities with therapy animals, beautiful things happen. Over the course of ten years, countless lives have been changed by University Libraries and their wonderful partners. Read more to understand the impact that therapy animals can have on communities.

Town Bands Together to Rescue Stray Cat: People in this town saw an unfamiliar animal and united to help it. The cat was stuck in a drain, nobody knew whoā€™s it was, and kindness still prevailed. Read on to restore some faith in humanity, and learn about this wonderful little furball, aptly named ā€œPyper.ā€

Pooch Puzzles Answer: A Prairie Dog!