What Did Your Cat Say?! 🙀

Issue 115

“Even the tiniest Poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart.”
- Dorothy Hinshaw

Hey Petlovers,

As you’ll see in the Front Page Pets section, new AI technology is expected to start translating our pets’ barks and meows within the next year.

Early research shows that pets are saying things like:

“You’re really going to lay on the couch again?”
“Don’t you think you’ve already had enough chocolate today?”
“When are you going to get around to doing your taxes, Laura?”

Maybe we should rethink this whole “AI” thing

In other news, Mach is National Pet Poison Prevention Month. Review the tips below, and learn about toxic household plants in this week’s pet education section.

Dog Cuteness: What do you do with a furry sailor? You’ll get a kick out of this nautical dog running away from his owner to the tune of an old sea shanty.

Cat Cuteness: Who knew cats could use the “speak” buttons like dogs can? This cat is very clear about what he wants: ATTENTION. What do you think? Is this a coincidence, or is this fluffy boy really speaking his mind?

More Cuteness

Which beautiful houseplants could cause our pets harm? Make sure that there aren’t any lethal plants around your home, and keep your pets safe! The article below has everything you need in order to start pet-proofing your home.

This speech by Jon Stewart will have you remembering all of your furry friends - the ones that are still here as well as the ones that have passed along.

*note: grab a tissue.

Are We Close to Speaking With Our Pets?: The advancements in artificial intelligence aren’t just producing life-like images and videos. Experts are predicting that the technology will soon allow us to interpret our pets’ vocalizations, and maybe even within the next year.

Missing ‘Avalanche Dog’ Spotted After 11 Months: Nearly a year ago, we reported about a dog who was separated from his owner in the midst of an avalanche. The owner searched tirelessly with the help of rescue teams, social media, and even countless hours on the mountain. 11 months later, that very dog has been spotted still alive. Read more to find out what’s being done to bring this good boy home.

Tom The Trucker Cat Found Alive After 40 Days Missing: You may have heard about Tom, a long-haul trucker’s companion cat, who was lost a little over a month ago. After 30 days missing, the odds seemed slim that Tom would be recovered. Fortunately, this freewheelin’ feline was discovered safe & sound just a few miles from where he was lost.

Adoption Event Brings Long-Lost Best Friends Together: This woman’s dog got loose 5 years ago. So, when she attended a Valentine’s Day adoption event, she was expecting to bring home a brand new friend. Instead, she locked eyes with her old dog in what ended up being one of the most beautiful moments of her life!