Tips for Sneezing Pets🌻 🐈🐕

Lola & Friends: Issue 121

“A dog will teach you unconditional love.
If you have that in your life, things won't be too hard.”
- Robert Wagner

Hey, Friends!

We discovered a bootleg Beatles recording of I Want to Hold Your Hand, written while Paul McCartney was potty training his dog. We can relate to this version, although we see why they adjusted the lyrics.

🎵 It Goes:

Oh yea I’ll…
Tell you something…
I think you’ll understand…

When I say that something…
You pooped inside agaaaaiiiin!

Here’s what’s in store this week: 

Spring comes around, and the robin’s song reminds many of us to buy antihistamines and Flonase.

Humans struggle with allergies, but dogs and cats are just as vulnerable to Spring allergies as their owners.

The resources below can help you keep your pet comfortable this season.

Spring Dog Allergies


Common Symptoms

cedar, ash, oak, grass, ragweed, and weed pollen allergies are common.

Inflamed skin, excessive itching & licking, head shaking (due to itchy ears), hair loss, ear odor

dust mites & their remains secret allergens difficult for dogs.

Itching of the ears, face, paws, and armpits, potential ear infections


Dry itchy skin, redness, ear infections, respiratory symptoms

Spring Cat Allergies


Common Symptoms

Bermuda grass, pine, oak, ash, palm, ragweed, sorrel, cocklebur.

Excess scratching, over-grooming, ear odor, respiratory symptoms (cough, nasal fluids)

dust mites & their remains secret allergens difficult for cats.

Crusty patches on skin, hot spots, scratching at ears, general itchiness,


Wheezing, sneezing, nasal discharge, scratching.

Things You Can Do Right Now

Avoid walking when pollen levels are highest.

Skip the early morning and late afternoon - get out and play sometime in the middle of the day. 

Purify your air, dust thoroughly, and vacuum often.

An air purifier can reduce home pollens. Dusting/Vacuuming often reduces dust mites.

Keep your pet out of damp home areas.

Basements, laundry rooms, and bathrooms are locations where mold can develop.

Wash their coats more regularly in Spring.

Bathing after extended time outdoors cleans pollen stuck to coats.

Supplement with immune-boosters.

Omega 3s, Omega 6s, coconut oil, turmeric, and even some mushrooms provide immunity support.

Veterinarian Allergy Guides

Los Angeles has halted issuing permits for breeders in hopes that this will direct future pet owners to rescue animals rather than purchase them elsewhere. When thousands of dogs and cats are in overcrowded shelters, decisions like this save hundreds, if not thousands of lives.

A labrador retriever was in training to become a drug-sniffing dog in Taiwan, but he was too playful and loving for the serious focus required for the role. His natural ability to learn and detect things, however, made him a national after a recent earthquake. Learn more about Roger, his work, and why he’s captured the imagination of Taiwan.

Cats are vulnerable to the Bird Flu, which means there are some precautions to take this year if you have an outdoor cat. This article gives you some key pointers. Take note, and rest easy knowing your feline friend is safe!

A pack of 19 stray cats has been free to roam Mexico City’s Presidential Palace for a while now. They’re friends of the people who occupy the buildings, and they’re even welcome to walk the halls freely and interrupt meetings. They’re so beloved that Andres Obrador has declared them to be “living fixed assets.” This means that the treasury is obliged to provide them food and veterinary care for the rest of their lives.

In 1956, a Dog Named "Bunker" Was a Caddie at The Masters Golf Competition.

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Meet Winslow,

He was a shelter dog with an incredible story of survival. Left on his own with a genetic disorder, it’s estimated that he had only a few hours to live before he was found and rescued.

Fortunately, he was saved, and the depth of his personality and compassion is evident in the way he lived his life. He needed clothes to stay warm and comfortable, forcing his owner to order guinea pig and rodent-sized clothing for him.

Watch his story, warm your heart, and allow this story to deepen your appreciation for the time you have with your own pets!


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