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  • 🐕 🐈‍⬛ Rescue Dog Opens Heart

🐕 🐈‍⬛ Rescue Dog Opens Heart

Lola & Herbie: Issue 123

“A dog is the only thing that can mend a crack in your broken heart.”
- Judy Desmond

Hey Friends!

Lola & Herbie broke into an old box of VHS tapes and found a copy of Titanic. They got really into it.

Here’s a snapshot of what they were doing yesterday:

Lola-nardo & Herbie

Lola’s even going by Lola-nardo DiPawrio.

There are a lot of Adam Sandler movies in there, so we’ll likely be hearing from “Herbie Gilmore” very soon. ⛳️ 🐈‍⬛

Now, enjoy one of the funniest dog voiceovers we’ve ever seen before you start reading this week’s issue.

Oh, and did you win a $50 Visa gift card?

You’ll find the answer to that question right below this week’s Front Page Pets.


Cuteness Factor
This Week’s Heartwarmers

The first few months of Bella’s life are a mystery. She wouldn’t look at anybody, glued herself to the wall, and was so nervous that she didn’t want to move.

The kind soul who found Bella took her in and waited for the perfect family to find her. She wouldn’t take treats from anyone until her new dad gave it a shot.

Slowly but surely, she inched toward him and accepted the treat. From that moment, she was bonded to this man in a way that would change his life forever. Watch the video below to see Bella open her heart, start to trust, and express boundless love to her dad.


All The Cute Videos You Need This Week




A happy & healthy puppy named “Shamrock” is making waves on the internet this week because she was born with green fur.

green labrador puppy

This isn’t as uncommon in lab puppies as you would think. Click here to learn more about this interesting phenomenon.


As Jason Whatnall boarded a plane home from Australia, his dog Milo was in the process of bolting onto the runway.

Handlers lost track of him, and *poof* he was gone.


Whatnall says he set up a campaign to spread the word and get any information on Milo’s whereabouts. The dog was spotted a few times in Australia, but reports say he was also “extremely fast.”

Rescuers set a trap that eventually caught the little speed demon. Read more to get details on his reunion with Jason.

Pets getting lost and found in international situations is not uncommon, as it turns out. Earlier this week, a French man’s dog was found safely in Serbia after being separated from its owner in Greece.


Sam, a Russian Blue rescue cat went missing five years ago. He and his family lived in Arizona. Cindy & Jeff Hall, Sam’s owners, were devastated and heartbroken wondering what happened to him, and they had nearly given up hope after 5 years of searching.

Sam with his owners

Then, they got a fateful call from an animal shelter in Arkansas. Two employees of the shelter said that Sam just walked up to them at a gas station. Nobody is sure how he managed to travel 1,200 miles, but he made the right call when he walked up to those friendly strangers.


In a big step for animal rights, Rhode Island is the next state to move toward banning the declawing of cats. The Senate passed the bill, and it now moves to the state House for consideration.

Cats have an innate need to use their claws. Doing so allows them to relieve stress, express their natural tendencies, and simply interact with the world the way they evolved to.

Declawing is medically unnecessary, and the name doesn’t accurately reflect the procedure. Rather than removing just the claw, the procedure removes the last knuckle on each of the cat’s digits. The equivalent for humans would be removing the tip of your finger from the final knuckle, just to remove your fingernail.

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Featured Story
Dogs & Cicadas: “To Eat or Not to Eat?”


Two broods of cicadas will emerge from their decade-long slumbers this spring. These two groups rarely emerge in the same year, so there will be a ton of cicadas around.

In fact, the last time these two broods co-emerged was in 1803.

swarm of cicadas

Do Cicadas Pose any Threat to Dogs?

If you live in the south, you’re probably already hearing the deafening hum. Some South Carolinians are saying their collective songs sound like jet engines.

Your dog is bound to investigate, but are they in harm’s way?

Here’s what you should know:

  1. Cicadas do not have stingers or teeth. They will not bite your dog.

  2. Cicadas are not poisonous to dogs or humans

  3. Your dog will be fine if he or she eats one

🪲 Cicadas may hop onto you, stick out their unsettling little tongues, and attempt to pierce you! If this happens, they are trying to get sap from you because they think you’re a tree.

The good news is, a cicada won’t be able to pierce through you or your dog’s skin. They would need at least a few minutes to break the skin, so just make sure to remove a cicada if it lands on you.

🚨 One thing to avoid: Make sure your dog doesn’t eat a significant number of cicadas or cicada exoskeletons. This might cause them some digestive upset, but they will be alright after the discomfort passes.


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