⭐️ The Star of Your Pet's Dreams

Lola & Herbie: Issue 127

“Animals are such agreeable friends:
they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.”
- George Eliot

Hey, Petlovers!

Before you head out for a relaxing Memorial Day weekend, there’s a tiny Chihuahua here with a few demands for you. We can’t tell if she’s bluffing, so we’re going to do what she says!

Lola’s very important message:

“Dear readers, I’d like to inform you that all hamburger scraps, scoops of peanut butter, watermelon chunks, and little pieces of cheese from Memorial Day weekend must be sent to me directly at the following address:

1234 Lola Lane, Dogville, NY

Any reader who fails to send scraps will be sentenced to 5,000 hours of belly rubs.. I mean it.”

Here’s what’s in store this week:

💕 Dogs Reuniting with Long Lost Owners

🚨 Pet Food Recall: is your brand included?

⛱️ Your Pet’s Dreams (spoiler: they’re about you!)

 💸 Did You Win $50? (scroll to bottom)


Dogs Reuniting with Long Lost Owners


Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of their country.

This had us thinking.. how long would our pets remember us if we were away? It didn’t take long to find the answer.

Watch how excited these dogs are to see their owners again:



This Week’s Cutest Videos

Want to watch everything we found this week?
click here to watch the playlist.

This “Paws In” Trend Will Melt Your Heart
Here are 3 of our favorite videos:



Front Page Pets


“Pet Gala” Platforms World’s Most Stylish Pets

  • The Pet Gala is a spin on the Met Gala, featuring dogs and cats in the outfits worn by celebrities.

  • All proceeds go to benefit the AKC

  • Watch the silliness unfold below:

Pedigree Food Found With Loose Metal

  • Pedigree Adult Complete Nutrition, Grilled Steak & Vegetable flavor bags have been recalled in Walmart stores across Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas.

  • The products have a best by date of 03/04/2025 and lot code: 410B2TXT02

This is the bag that has been recalled.

Furdle Game is a Free way to Help Shelter Animals:

  • Furdle is a spin on the New York Time’s “Wordle” and functions the same way.

  • The site makes a small donation every time someone plays the game.

  • If you love playing Wordle but wish you could play more often, click below and start helping shelter animals.

  • *Hint: The words aren’t all related to animals - they could be anything!

Inaugural “Stanley Pup” Will Help 32 Shelter Dogs

  • In the spirit of “The Puppy Bowl,” the NHL will have its first “Stanley Pup” this year.

  • Each NHL team will sponsor an adoptable shelter dog, displaying their personalities in hopes of getting them adopted.

  • The event will take place June 7th at 6:30 PM ET on the NHL network and ESPN +.

  • You can click here to get a reminder when the event starts so you don’t miss any of the cuteness!


More News
About our furry friends


Dream a Little Dream Fur Me
What Do Dogs & Cats Dream About?


Puppies kick their legs & cats let out tough little “mews” when they’re sleeping. We see these things and imagine our pets are having cute, vivid dreams.

Maybe your puppy dreams he’s chasing a bug through a field of dandelions, or your cat has finally managed to capture the red dot of a laser pointer.

We all hope that’s what’s happening in their sleep, but do our pets dream in the same way that we do?

Let’s find out:


Animals Do Dream

One MIT Study in 2002 tried to test whether or not rats dreamt during sleep.

Researchers mapped the rats’ brain activity as they spent the day weaving through mazes in search of cheese. The focus group went through the mazes, while the control group did not.

The rats who completed the mazes showed brain activity during sleep that was almost identical to the activity shown when they were actively completing the mazes. In other words, they were finishing mazes again in their dreams!


Your Dog Dreams about You

Dogs and cats show brain activity that’s similar to humans (and the rats above) when they’re in a deep REM sleep, so it’s safe to say that our pets do have dreams.

This Harvard scientist says that “since dogs are generally extremely attached to their human owners, it’s likely your dog is dreaming of your face, your smell, and of pleasing or annoying you. (If they’ve been annoying you all day, odds are they’re dreaming about it too! 😹)

You look great in your dog’s dream!

What Else Are They Dreaming?

According to the MIT study, we can assume that our pets are dreaming about the previous day at least some of the time.

This is especially true if they spend the day learning something new or doing things they don’t typically do.

If you head to a new dog park with plenty of room to run, you might notice your dog kicking through the park in their dreams that very night. If you spent the day teaching your dog to “shake”, you might see their front paw stretch out as they sleep.

If your cat spent the day hunting down creepy crawly centipedes in the basement, your noble little furball might dream about defending your home from these intruders in their sleep.


More About Pet Dreaming

  • Small mammals get into REM sleep (when dreams occur) usually about 20 minutes after they fall asleep.

  • Dream sleep causes breathing to slow, and your pet’s muscles may twitch.

  • The larger the pet, the less frequent the dreams are likely to be during one period of sleep. A Chihuahua might dream once every 10 minutes during a deep sleep, where as the sleep cycle of a Labrador might cause them to go into REM sleep every hour or so.

  • Nightmares are a common concern pet owners have for their pets. Nightmares do occur in our pets, but not as often as we think.

*If you think your pet is having a nightmare, it’s important that you don’t wake them up. The old saying “let sleeping dogs lie” is there for a reason. Waking a dog suddenly from a nightmare could result in a bite.



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